run as administrator script / normal user

run as administrator script / normal user

‘This script allows limited accounts to use PrintArtist (PA)
‘as the Administrator. It must be placed in the same
‘folder with the executable program file for PA. A shortcut
‘to this script file can then be put on the student Desktop.
‘Your antivirus program may need to be set to allow scripts.
‘Written by Vic Laurie, May, 2004
‘Not responsible for any problems arising from use of the script
Option explicit
dim oShell
set oShell= Wscript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)
oShell.Run “runas /user:administrator “”PrintArt.exe”””
WScript.Sleep 100
‘Replace the string yourpassword~ below with
‘the password used on your system. Include tilde
oShell.Sendkeys “yourpassword~”

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