rewrite domain redirect using htaccess
- No Comments
- Dec, 22, 2010
- Angelo Schalley
- html / php, joomla, Plesk Linux
Fill your .htaccess file and place it in your root directory :
## Can be commented out if causes errors, see notes above.
Options +FollowSymLinks#
# mod_rewrite in useRewriteEngine On
########## Redirect van
# redirect some other domains
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^domain\.be$ [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.domain\.be$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ [R=301,L]
Read more on rewrite domain redirect using htaccess…
Using Crontab with Plesk to call PHP files (drupal – joomla – etc )
- No Comments
- Dec, 13, 2010
- Angelo Schalley
- html / php, joomla, Linux, Plesk Linux
Having battled with getting a php file to be called from a scheduled task (a.k.a. a crontab task) using the Plesk interface panel on a Linux box, I thought I’d share a bit of a how-to on it because I struggled to find anything helpful out there on the topic.
Read more on Using Crontab with Plesk to call PHP files (drupal – joomla – etc )…
joomla chmod directory’s
- No Comments
- Dec, 17, 2009
- Angelo Schalley
- joomla
chmod 777 administrator/backups/
chmod 777 administrator/components/
chmod 777 administrator/language/
chmod 777 administrator/language/en-GB/
chmod 777 administrator/language/nl-NL/
chmod 777 administrator/modules/
chmod 777 administrator/templates/
chmod 777 components/
chmod 777 images/
chmod 777 images/banners/
chmod 777 images/stories/
chmod 777 language/
chmod 777 language/en-GB/
chmod 777 language/nl-NL/
chmod 777 language/pdf_fonts/
chmod 777 modules/
chmod 777 plugins/
chmod 777 plugins/content/
chmod 777 plugins/editors/
chmod 777 plugins/editors-xtd/
chmod 777 plugins/search/
chmod 777 plugins/system/
chmod 777 plugins/user/
chmod 777 plugins/xmlrpc/
chmod 777 tmp/
chmod 777 templates/
chmod 777 cache/
Read more on joomla chmod directory’s…