MySQL – Inserting data in MySQL tables
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- Jun, 23, 2010
- Angelo Schalley
- Linux, MySQL, Plesk Linux
The INSERT SQL statement impregnates our table with data. Here is a general form of INSERT.
INSERT into table_name (column1, column2....) values (value1, value2...);
where table_name is the name of the table into which we want to insert data; column1, column2 etc. are column names and value1, value2 etc. are values for the respective columns. This is quite simple, isn’t it?
Read more on MySQL – Inserting data in MySQL tables…
Mysql – Deleting entries from tables
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- Jun, 23, 2010
- Angelo Schalley
- Linux, MySQL, Plesk Linux
The SQL delete statement requires the table name and optional conditions.
DELETE from table_name [WHERE conditions];
NOTE: If you don’t specify any conditions ALL THE DATA IN THE TABLE WILL BE DELETED!!!
Read more on Mysql – Deleting entries from tables…
import-export MySQL database from a dump command line
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- Nov, 03, 2009
- Angelo Schalley
set password for root :
mysqladmin -u root password newpassword ( if never set )
mysqldump -p -u user dbname > dbname.sql
mysql -p -u userĀ -h DBSERVER dbname < dbname.sql