add sata drivers tot windows CD – slipstream
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- Oct, 04, 2009
- Angelo Schalley
- Windows-Microsoft
Step 1: Add your RAID/SATA Drivers
We’re now ready to add RAID/SATA controller drivers to our CD (if you don’t want to do this, skip ahead to the final step). Open the folder to which you copied your Windows XP CD (C:xpsetupcd) and create a subfolder called $OEM$. Then, create a subfolder of $OEM$ called $1 and a subfolder of $1 called drivers. The resulting path should be C:xpsetupcd$OEM$$1drivers. This is where Windows Setup will look for drivers that aren’t contained in its standard driver library. For organizational purposes, make a subfolder within drivers named for the type of driver it will contain—for instance, create a RAID folder for RAID drivers or an SATA folder for Serial ATA drivers. You can use any name, as long as it has fewer than eight characters.
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Change the default Vista Logon screen
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- Oct, 04, 2009
- Angelo Schalley
- Windows-Microsoft
The style of the log on screen in Vista is just another example of an area overhauled in comparison with prior versions of the Windows operating system. But what happens if you are found of the logon screen in Windows XP and Windows 2000 to such an extent that this affinity cannot be cured by the Vista logon screen. What happens if you just want to go back. Can you?
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Remove the limit on TCP connection attempts
- One Comments
- Oct, 04, 2009
- Angelo Schalley
- Windows-Microsoft
Windws XP SP2 introduces a few new twists to TCP/IP in order to babysit users and “reduce the threat” of worms spreading fast without control. In one such attempt, the devs seem to have limited the number of possible TCP connection attempts per second to 10 (from unlimited in SP1). This argumentative feature can possibly affect server and P2P programs that need to open many outbound connections at the same time.
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